Get Involved
Access Justice (AJ) is a different kind of law firm—a public interest law firm dedicated to solving important issues affecting the lives of ordinary people, with a growing network of affiliated attorneys, paralegals, organizations, educational institutions, law firms and other legal professionals dedicated to providing high-quality and legal services.
The qualified, committed team of legal professionals at Access Justice has seen that our legal system consistently works best for clients with the greatest financial resources. For us, that is neither fair nor acceptable. Low- and moderate income individuals, families, nonprofits and small businesses of moderate means all deserve excellent and affordable representation.
Unfortunately, most law firms normally must charge substantial fees for their services. Even with a commitment to providing some free (Pro Bono) services, most law firms are largely unable to address the legal needs of vast segments of our population—especially working middle class families. As a result, millions of Americans who are not poor enough to qualify for free legal services are often unable to get critically needed legal assistance.
Imagine Justice for All
Access Justice will provide free legal service to many clients, and for those clients who can manage modest, affordable rates, Access Justice fees will never be more than $99 per hour. Never.
If you would like to learn more about the many ways you can support our nonprofit work or become part of our network of affiliates, practicing the kind of law of which you can be proud, please click on one of the buttons below.