It's About Time!
Ordinary people of low- and moderate-income need and deserve access to quality and affordable legal services.
Access Justice is a full service, nonprofit law firm… Serving clients' needs and the public interest. No longer must our society accept the huge and unfortunate gap in the availability of quality, affordable legal services. Access Justice, with our emphasis on social justice, offers quality assistance across a wide spectrum of legal issues. And, we do so either without cost (“Pro Bono”) or at very modest, affordable rates (“Low Bono”).
News from the blog!
Full Notice
Notice: Due to unforeseen circumstances involving the untimely death of the interim executive director of Access Justice PSC (AJ), the operations [...]
October 27th, 2015 -
The Minimum Wage Debate
A current issue Congress is facing is the minimum wage increase debate. With the cost of living rising and wages [...]
February 12th, 2014 -
Top Corporate Pro Bono Firms
The American Bar Association Standing Committee on Pro Bono and Public Service declared last month, October 20-26, National Pro Bono [...]
November 26th, 2013
Sliding fees starting at $99 per hour.
Paying Too Much
Most low- to moderate-income people aren't poor enough to qualify for free legal aid, but still aren't wealthy enough to afford typical rates of most attorneys. They have to settle for whatever help they can get, or none at all.
More Info >>Clients’ Needs,
Access Justice, through its broad network of quality legal staff and affiliated network attorneys, offers expertise in many areas of law to match clients’ legal needs.
Our Experience
About Our Services >>F.A.Q.
"Frequently Asked Questions” that will help you better understand what Access Justice can do, either for you or someone you know.
Review F.A.Q.s >>Re:Sources
A Clearinghouse of Valuable Information. Access Justice (AJ) seeks to be a national resource center for the efforts of social justice-oriented legal professionals.
What our supporters have to say...
This courageous effort is just what the doctor ordered.
Through our work with you, people in the Somali community will be able to get real legal assistance… There is no other firm like AJ.
We help clients protect what is rightfully theirs and achieve their goals at minimal cost.
You have launched a law firm that has long been needed!
You seem to be attempting something I've been thinking (maybe dreaming) about for many years.
This legal service model is desperately needed.
Quick contact

Access Justice, PSC
310 4th Avenue S Suite 1006
Minneapolis, MN 55415
Phone: 612.879.8092
Toll Free: 1.877.999.AJ OK (2565)
Fax: 612.879.8707
Nothing on this site constitutes legal advice and this site does not create an attorney-client relationship or make any assertion regarding available attorneys in your jurisdiction.
See our Representation Policy.
Access Justice is proud to announce that we are a member of the Charities Review Council's Smart Giving Network. Charities Review Council Letter and Seal.
About company
Access Justice is a nonprofit, full service public interest law firm committed to providing quality, affordable (or free) legal services to low- and moderate-income persons who have no access to our legal system.
Access Justice is a Minnesota Professional Services Corporation operating under the trade name “Access Justice.” An attorney-client relationship with Access Justice will only be created upon the signing of a formal representation agreement between Access Justice and a client.
Access Justice is a tax-exempt public charity under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. All donations to AJ are tax deductible. Donate.